Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Big Announcement!

Yeah! I've moved the main shop to a much bigger parcel on the Fourd sim and this move will allow me to have the prims to showcase a lot of new items. I'll be having a grand opening party this coming Sunday, there'll be awesome music from DJ Alicia Chenaux, lots of new products, the new store build which has some fun stuff to do like skating and fishing, and a special party favor! I'm really excited to be taking BCD to a whole 'notha level and I hope everyone will come check it out.

This means that the former store on Nishijima is now gone, I had a good time there and kind of regret that I have to sell the land off but I look forward to the opportunities the new space allows.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Announcing a special Eastertime collaboration! Beloved joins up with Pffiou! Poses without cramps, to bring you a special giant egg backpack with totally cute and custom backpack AO! Change the egg on the pack to match your outfit by clicking it, several pop art textures included! The pack and AO together are the perfect thing to wear while hopping around the grid collecting eggs! Available at both Beloved main shop and Pffiou! shop on Rue d'Antibes.

New surrealistic tree for Spring! Sakura tree is 15 prims with falling sakura petals and a petal carpet for the ground. Also see the 3 prim magic fairies at the main shop, bring a little magic into your garden.

Special addition to the main shop is a sky garden to display trees & fountains! See the teleporter just inside the entrance of the main shop and please visit the new Gothic Skygarden!

New fountains available, an in-the-ground version meant to be placed into a terraformed hole can be found on the ground, and the container version that is in a concrete basin is up in the skygarden, 4 or 5 prims with sound & particles, very realistic water textures, these fountains are special!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Terribly glittery things are afoot on the Starlust sims, there's a war brewing between the pro-unicorn faction and the decidedly militant anti-unicorn faction. I don't think I need to explain to you that BCD is solidly on the pro-unicorn side, and accordingly, I've put out a set. This is a bit of a departure because it's not something for the yard, garden or home, but it's an accessory set to play a bit of Unicorn dress up. Ears, tail and horn, with bling/no bling versions of the horn and two attachment points for the tail. The tail also features a click-to-change gem on the bow, with a rainbow of colors of different jewels.

Available at the Floyd location or the Starlust Motel lobby (alongside a ton of other sparkly wonderfulness from fellow designers)

Monday, March 9, 2009

new release: mercury fountain

BCD now has a subscribomatic set up at the main shop in Nishijima and the shop in Festivale! Please join up, I won't be sending out notices except for when theres a new release (maybe a few times a month) and there's a freebie just for joining, it's a low-prim sculptie fountain with sound, 4 prims total.

I've been playing around with fountains recently, with the SOM freebie and the new release. It's a mercury fountain. As in, rather than water, it has silvery non-transparent liquid.

There really is a mercury fountain in Spain, but it doesn't look anything like this one :) Mercury is very toxic so you couldn't have one in real life, but in SL(tm) anything is possible! 8 prims with shadow, $L200, available at the Main and Festivale shops.

I like working with animating water so I'll probably be doing more fountains soon!

Main shop

Sunday, March 1, 2009


This site has been added to a couple of SL home/business feeds, so that's pretty great news!

Metavirtual's Business feed
InQ Connections Home feed

I look forward to being able to address a wider audience, get the word out more about BCD.

Having just finished a custom design, I'll be starting on some skyboxes, please look forward to them!

As I said last post, I would be setting out my little Love Shack as a freebie at all shop locations, and it has been, please stop by and see my shops!
Mainshop @ Nishijima
Starlust shop
Festivale shop

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Love Shack, new location, new lights

news! I've been doing some custom designs for people, such as the pier/boardwalk and arch signs for the new Festivale sim, home of the Long Awkward Pose and Pixel Dust main shops. I was so happy that Dove and Autumn gave me this opportunity and they proved to be so great to work with, just awesome people and creators. They were nice enough to give me a spot on the concourse as well so I have a Festivale branch shop now! I also made a couple new booths for Mount Lolita on the Floyd sim in Starlustland. I still occupy the pitcher plant at the foot of Mount Lolita and I just adore the whole Starlust aesthetic, and thank Apatia and Allegory for letting me help out.

I madea gift for the Starlustland Valentine hunt that is going on through Feb. 20th, it's my first "prefab" and it's just a little building, I called it the Love Shack because its such a shanty but it's got such sweet elements like a little flower box, lace curtains and a tiny fireplace. It has enough room for a loveseat or cuddle area for you and your sweetie, and a porch thats big enough for a couple chairs. Also made a cute little topiary for people who have few prims available and still want a sweet little thing to look at.

Reception to the prefab has been really good! I think I'll be adding some more things like this, my main obstacle with offering prefabs is prim allowance, I don't have a prims or space to create a showroom. I am looking at some other mainland properties with an eye toward relocating the mainstore.

At any rate, since quite a few people probably missed out on the Starlust hunt, I'll be offering the love shack as a freebie at all 3 shops starting on the 21st.

Recently I added something kind of different as well, a set of disco lights. I made these for my house originally and was happy with them, they look really cool when they're in use. If you get them please take care and read the notecard!

You can see them in action on the balcony area of the main shop in Nishijima.